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Armies of the world. Bulgaria

Population: 8 187 thousand people. The military budget is 337 million dollars (2001). The regular forces are 77 260 people. The reserve - 303 000 people, including land forces - 250 500. Air force - 45 000, naval forces - 7 500. Militarized formations - 34 000 people, including frontier troops - 12000, security police - 4 000, railway and building troops - 18 000. Recruitment for the army - draft. Hitch - 9 months. Mobilization resources - 2 million people, including 1,7 million able-bodied men.

Land forces: 42 400 people, З headquarters of army corps, which contain 4 motorized infantry divisions and 7 brigades (4 tank, 3 mechanized ones), and also a training centre. There are 6 detached brigades (4 tactical rocket, an SAM and airborne brigades), 10 detached regiments (2 artillery, a rocket, 3 antitank, 3 anti-aircraft artillery, SAM regiments).

Arms: 36 tactical rockets R-17e, 1 475 tanks (1 042 T-55, 433 T-72), 214 infantry fighting vehicles, 4033 armored troop carriers, 58 armoured reconnaissance vehicles, about 1 550 field artillery (of them 692 122 mm self-propelled guns 2H1 Gvordika, 68 self-propelled guns SAU-100), 222 missile systems BM-21, 200 antitank missile systems, 400 antiaircraft guns, 67 antiaircraft guided missile systems.

Air force: 18 300 people (including 14000 in service for a fixed period), 2176 planes, 446 helicopters. 3 fighting and bomber air regiments (39 Su-25, 41 MiG-21, 32 MiG-23), 4 fighter air regiments (40 MiG-23, 23 MiG-21, 21 MiG-29), a reconnaissance air regiment (21 Su-22), a transport air regiment (2 Tu-134, З An-24, 4 An-26, 5 L-410, 3 Yak-40, An-30), 2 helicopter regiments (14 Mi-2, 7 Mi-8, 25 Mi-17, 44 Mi-24), 3 training air regiments (6 Yak-18, 73 L-29, 35 L-39).

Naval forces: 5 260 people.

Navy: submarines pr. 633, small missile vessels pr. 1159, 7 small anti-submarine ships (4 Poti, 1 pr. 1241.1M, 2 pr. 1241R), 5 missile boats pr. 205, 10 patrol vessels pr. 1400M, 20 minesweepers (including 4 pr. 257D, 4 pr. 12650, 4 pr. 1258, 6 pr. 1259, 2 pr. 501), 2 storm-boats pr. 770, 6 storm-boats pr.106K, 17 support vessels (including 3 hydrographic vessels, 3 tankers).

Naval aircraft: 260 people, 1 anti-submarine helicopter squadron (3 Mi-14).

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